[group group-egyeb-1][/group]

    Address, location (postcode, settlement/city name, street/public place name, lot number - if it is known). Without a house number or lot number we can not work in advance with your area and interest.

    3. The facilities of the planning area

    Please enter the features of the planning area for the quotation!

    [group group-egyeb-2][/group]

    [group group-egyeb-3][/group]

    Learn more information on different types of plans »

    [group group-egyeb-4][/group]

    7. The contacting issues:

    Please enter your contact information!

    (In addition to the price of planning, intended for the full implementation. Even if the implementation is multi-phased, the question is still about the total number: please enter minimum-maximum amount below.)



    [group group-egyeb-5][/group]

    We will send the quotation with a customized, detailed design program for the features of the site and your needs, that is the reason for our question. (The bid time is counted from the sending time of the required information and planning funds.) The 'Urgent' is the one of the options which is not free of charge: as much money must be transferred in advance just as the lowest consultancy price (see the current price on our On-site consultancy page).

    [group group-egyeb-6][/group]

    Thank You! When the fill is complete, please click on the 'Submit' button below to submit it.

    Ossza meg másokkal is!



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