“I am an architect, an additional work is needed, which is serving the needs of clients in accordance with the architectural design” it sounds like a just claim said by responsible architects often carrying out goals of general design.

Probably they provide their best knowledge, while they are balancing clients’ interests, realistic criteria of building contractors and professional principles. It is worth involving the aim of proven partners in the projects leading by general designing architect.

When not only architecture is needed

We are to assist architects having goal required or recommended the collaboration of a landscape architect in fulfilling the clients’ demands. In addition to the area of general planning, in any place where the landscape begins and the architecture continues and eventually evolves complete, you can be benefited by us.

Landscape and architecture? We bring to harmony!

Such shaping and the cultivation of the built and natural elements which can increase the environmental values is a common cause. There are too many places still crying out for the harmony of landscape and architecture!

The KertIkon works in the spirit of the architecture tuned to landscape, we help to build consonance in the elements, in cases where the respect and demand of natural environment is stressed as well.

As we strive to work harmonized with the architectural plans, our service is useful especially those, who are working on the noble alloy of architecture and green fields. Certainly, the landscape is able to do for architecture, starting with the fact that the building can be unfolded often by standing in the garden.

Fluent general planning

We all know, how annoying can be when the cooperating of specialist designers and structural project engineers is stalling, or if it leaves a lot to be desired. Even if our firm is not swarmed with oracles, architects can rely on us tranquilly.

Just because, none of our permission plan has been sent back to make complete the deficiencies of the work. You can leave the landscape for us, and then we will take care of the garden.

Anyone who does not want to bother with the horticulture tasks can expect in his work our landscape architect service. Often we also facilitated the general design of architecture to harmonize the project engineers’ plans. You might spend your time freed up in the garden too, but if it is so happened that you do not have own garden yet, we can help also.

Being prepared for special challenges

When you looking for a partner whom you can share also the burden of special challenges arising during the general planning, then you can find such a designer in our firm. As our customer you can be safe about the garden, because the granting of a building permit has never depended on us.

We are ready to remain disagreements, which probably arise during the planning related our profession. We helped the teamwork not only with the preparing a thorough plan documentation, but we have effective consultations with the administrations and even angry neighbours processing the planning.

Satisfied clients

The architect, working for the development of environment can promote a better recovering of the building projects and a long-term customer satisfaction – even more with the requisite landscape architect partner providing safety answers in designing.

Our customers could have become convinced, when we were connected to the initial stage of our architect partner’s goal, not once they could free from unnecessary costs.

And our applied devices certainly have made the construction of the investment considerably cost effective at the planning stage onwards.

Safety in profession

We are working on common aim, when you want to meet the opinions of satisfied clients about the branch plans of the project in addition to the architecture, after the plans were made and handed, and if you want to look in good conscience and tranquilly forward to the implementation of the work done in planning.

The KertIkon as a landscape architecture firm looking back on a decade in its professional history seeks to be cooperative assistance for the architects. We are partners of the dynamic architecture of sense.

Our experience are also covered the construction, so we know which solution is reasonable among other considered landscaping alternatives.

Complex solution: from feasibility study to construction plan

The architectural design can count on us in the preparation of landscape study plan, permission and construction plan documentations; we also contribute in the compilation of competitions and presentations.

The compilation of competitions were attributed mainly to the free space design theme, we offer our assistance in developing the concept and visualization.

Upon request, the conceptions are presented by 3D visualization, in cases you make experienced the architectural design is going to be implemented by visual plans; we make the consonance completed by the realistic representation of the landscape imagination.

Up-to-date garden design

We have a balanced rhythm in working, on behalf of our colleagues can be reached by planning deadline in calm, but even the day before meeting the deadline for planning, we are not in the lack of freshness of problem-solving.

The distance is not an obstacle

Wherever you plan, you find fast and flexible co-workers about us. In the recent years we had part in the planning of private gardens, institution gardens, business residences and public urban spaces too, in the countryside and the capital city as well.

Various goals carried out across the country

There are varied planning goals included in our portfolio:

  • In the framework of garden design a lot of landscape plan prepared in the control of us, in connection with private gardens, institution gardens, historic environment, the green areas of commercial establishments and office gardens.
  • To develop the green areas of settlements we have participated in urban planning, as designing of urban parks, squares and recreational areas, planting of trees in avenues; settlement-image and complex green space.
  • Among landscape architecture we have planned private land, vineyard, urban cemetery; several large-scale developing of environment could have been started as well.

You can look over which particular projects have we worked for the recent years; see our reference list available for download and our portfolio collected about works in garden design and landscape architecture.

Dynamic relationship in work

If you want to belong among whose work we have helped without any unpleasant surprises, we will work with you too with pleasure for the harmonious development of environment required both architectural and landscape design.

For further questions, send a massage, or call us! You can easily ask quotation or contact us.

Ossza meg másokkal is!



A KertIkon hivatása: hasznos és szép kertek tervezése, közterületek és a táji környezet jó alakítása - kerttervezés, tájépítészet teljes körű jogosultsággal.

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