In accordance with the EU GDPR regulation, our Privacy Policy contains data protection rules.

Data processing and data protection according to the EU GDPR regulation

“On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)” the European Union has created a general data protection regulation that applies to all EU Member States. It is the General Data Protection Regulation, whose full text can be studied in English here:


The GDPR Regulation is in force since 2016 and should apply to all companies in the EU (Hungarian companies such as KertIkon Landscape Architects as well) from 25 May 2018.

The categories involved in processing for our company

Data controlling and processing is necessary (legitimate or justified) for the following purposes, provided that you:

  1. A submitter of the Ask Quotation form
  2. A user or customer of our landscape architect services by e-mail request
  3. A person who is a trainee or a designer seeking a job – even not by our request

In the cases listed below, you can learn ‘The fact of data collection, the range of data being processed and the purpose of processing ‘:

‘The fact of data collection, the range of data being processed and the purpose of processing (1. A submitter of the Ask Quotation form)

Personal data The purpose of processing
Contact name, email address Keep in touch, identification, statistics
Phone, cell phone, Skype Communication channels for performing the requested service
Object and location of planning (address, lot number) Customization of the required professional procedure, calculation of individual quotation for the site
Customer name and address In the case of orders, issue a regular invoice, as well as the establishment of the contract, the definition of its content, possible modification, monitoring of its fulfillment, mailing of related documentation and billing of fees. Accounting administration.
The IP address of the message sending Perform a technical operation.

‘The fact of data collection, the range of data being processed and the purpose of processing (2. A user or customer of our landscape architect services by e-mail request)


 Personal data The purpose of processing
Contact name, email address Keep in touch, identification, statistics
Phone, cell phone, Skype Communication channels for performing the requested service
Object and location of planning (address, lot number) Customization of the required professional procedure, calculation of individual quotation for the site
Customer name and address In the case of orders, issue a regular invoice, as well as the establishment of the contract, the definition of its content, possible modification, monitoring of its fulfillment, mailing of related documentation and billing of fees. Accounting administration.
The IP address of the message sending Perform a technical operation.

‘The fact of data collection, the range of data being processed and the purpose of processing (3. A person who is a trainee or a designer seeking a job – even not by our request)

Personal data The purpose of processing
Contact name, email address Keep in touch, identification
Phone, cell phone, Skype Communication channels for establishing and maintaining a possible professional or working relationship
Address Mailing of documents relating to professional or work relations.

Not relevant processing goals

We are not doing processing for the following purposes:

  • Sending newsletter
  • Remarketing
  • Paid online ads

Other website information (cookies)

Our KertIkon website does not use tracking codes that allow other providers (such as Facebook and Google) to display personalized ads from the site. (That means we are not doing remarketing activity.)

Other processing done by this site are not personal, essentially monitoring the visitors’ statistics on the site with that help and the anonymous service of Google Analytics. (These are the cookies. About cookies you can learn more details and information in our Cookie Policy.)

Storage and processing period

Depending on the case, we will storage the personal data provided after the year of the request for years indicated below:

1.      A submitter of the Ask Quotation form 5 years (for professional response based on the duration of construction projects)
2.      A user or customer of our landscape architect services by e-mail request 8 years (for service provider work, contract and contract fulfillment, account keeping requirements)
3.      A person who is a trainee or a designer seeking a job – even not by our request 5 years (to keep in touch, calculating with university study time)

The deadline for the deletion of the data is the last day of the calendar year as indicated above.

Further inquiries and the using of our service has a renewer impact on processing, so the data storage period is necessarily restarted.

Processing cases of public interest

Landscape architecture is an interdisciplinary genre. Depending on the actual planning and designing work and depending on the landscaping activity we have to justify or legitimate special processing:

  • for archiving purposes in the public interest,
  • for scientific, professional and historical research purposes
  • for statistical purposes
  • for journalistic, communication, information and dissemination purposes

Requests and possibilies about processing

Those who concerned with processing (data subjects) should be provided with measures to facilitate the exercise of their rights under the order of the GDPR, the data subject may apply for free of charge and, where appropriate, access, correct and delete personal data and exercise his or her right to protest.

As a data processing controller, we provide an electronic submission of applications, on this separate E-mail address:

A free application applies for the first time. In case of any further request about processing, we will invoice an administration fee of net 8% of the applicable minimum gross wage in your country, which is a precondition for fulfilling the request.

The main points of processing in the text of the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Those who involved in processing (data subjects) can get detailed information on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation):


The main points for the affected parties in the regulation are:

  • Definitions Article 4
  • Principles relating to processing of personal data Article 5
  • Lawfulness of processing Article 6
  • Conditions for consent Article 7
  • Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject Article 12
  • Right of access by the data subject Article 15
  • Right to rectification Article 16
  • Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) Article 17
  • Right to restriction of processing Article 18
  • Notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing Article 19
  • Right to data portability Article 20
  • Right to object Article 21
  • Automated individual decision-making, including profiling Article 22
  • Responsibility of the controller Article 24
  • Joint controllers Article 26
  • Processing under the authority of the controller or processor Article 29
  • Records of processing activities Article 30
  • General principle for transfers Article 44
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority Article 77
  • Right to an effective judicial remedy against a controller or processor Article 79
  • Representation of data subjects Article 80
  • Right to compensation and liability Article 82
  • Processing and freedom of expression and information Article 85
  • Processing in the context of employment Article 88
  • Safeguards and derogations relating to processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes Article 89
  • Entry into force and application Article 99

Data controller and KertIkon contact information

Name: KertIkon Kft. (Ltd.)

Head office / postal address: H-5100 Jászberény, Pajtás u. 7. Hungary


Cell phone: +36 20 595 6005

Data processors and their contact information:

1. Hosting provider

Name: Tárhelypark Kft. (Ltd.)

Head office / postal address: H-1122 Budapest, Gaál József út 24. Hungary


Phone: +36 1 700 4140

2. Website creator


Mária Ujvári, private entrepreneur

Head office / postal address: H-1181 Budapest, Baross u. 108. II/3. Hungary


Phone: +36 20 521 5960

3. Accountant

Name: KTSL Bt. (LP)

Head office / postal address: H-1147 Budapest, Ilosvai Selymes u. 139. Hungary


Phone: +36 1 422 0491

4. Co-designer, specialist designer, engineer or expert involved in generic design

Plan makers, designers, engineers or specialists involved in a given designing or professional task, who are qualified as data processors, act according to the relevant design contract.

Having a contract with KertIkon Kft. (Ltd.), the Customer, using any of our services, accepts at the same time the processing of the legal and natural persons who are engaged in the performance of any work in the contract, which is necessary to fulfill the professional work.

Possibility to lodge a complaint

You can lodge a complaint against a possible infringement of the data controller, please contact the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:

Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (NAIH)

Office: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22 / C. Hungary

Postal address: H-1530 Budapest, Pf: 5. Hungary

Phone: +36 -1-391-1400

Fax: + 36-1-391-1410


Ossza meg másokkal is!



A KertIkon hivatása: hasznos és szép kertek tervezése, közterületek és a táji környezet jó alakítása - kerttervezés, tájépítészet teljes körű jogosultsággal.

A munkák során öröm és kiváltság, hogy igényes megbízókkal, hosszú távban gondolkodó fejlesztőkkel és korrekt szakemberekkel alkothatunk.

Tervezési árajánlat

Kerttervezési, tájépítészeti tervezési feladatra szívesen adunk árajánlatot!

Töltse ki árajánlatkérő űrlapunkat, hogy megadhassuk a megoldandó feladathoz szabott egyedi árat!


KertIkon Kft.

5100 Jászberény, Pajtás u. 7.

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