“How to profit from the green surrounding? can be asked by responsible managers of a firm. Even if a business is not embedded in the natural environment, it would be a mistake to take the green area of the company’s disposal simply into the necessary or prescribed “garnish”.

Garden design for beautiful garden and green free spaces useful for firms as well

A tidy business environment is securing one of the competitive advantages; it helps to create the harmonious corporate image and the inspiring work environment as well. Issues will be dwelled on which may arise because of a careless green background.

Responsible leaders can not afford to let the guests be disappointed by the barren landscape medium of their host service, or the customers or clients be discouraged by their unpleasant business environment.

Institutions take care of the exterior as much as it is afforded from the common, in private gardens it depends on the lifestyle and demands of the family; but a businessman has to think about competitiveness and business efficiency in addition to the aesthetic and environmental aspects, regardless of the enterprise’s size.

Landscape value on behalf of the business sector

Depending on the profile, the landscape architecture may be contributing directly to self-evident, recommended or even required:

  • The catering and hotel trade (the garden or park surrounding the buildings, inner garden, interior plant decoration).
  • The headquarters of the company, an existing or being built office building in the city fabric, with the opportunity or need of high external or internal green development (outside garden, patio and plant decoration).
  • The garden plan (landscape permission plan) is a statutory obligation from the first because of the size or type of a new development or modify of the industry-economic premises for the building permit process.
  • Business and premises with a green area, but disordered by landscape (development of green areas, landscaping plan).
  • There is no external green, but the interior of the office is dominant and the rate of the indoor plants should be increased.

The beginning of the programmatic green development of a firm is a landscape concept harmonized in artistic sense by the business profile, environmental conditions and landscape principles and then the making of the feasible, precise landscape plan.

Refreshing green for the satisfied guests

The tourism and hotel trade: hotels, chalets, cottages, restaurants take care of the green relaxing body and soul as the essential part of their services for the guests. These recreation areas are generally smaller resting gardens, larger multi-purpose parks, or inner gardens for intensive use.

The proportion and the character of landscape or built environment, and functions of space using are determinants of what is the best construction for the guests, and indirectly to the operator’s needs of the place.

Because of the aesthetic and recreational aspects are highly prevailed, we work for creating a refreshing green which is fitting into the landscape, and harmonized in the style of the architecture and interior design, which entices guests to return.

Favourable impression for the customers

Just the most important or potential clients visit in person at the headquarters. If the firm’s architectural space (shape of premises, site, shop or office) and the virtual medium (website, creative elements of the firm image) are ordered, it is the very best time to turn attention to the harmonious and attractive development of the green environment.

It is invaluable when the client simply feels good. As we know, the business relationships in addition to economic factors largely rooted in emotional impressions.

Of course, in the first place the company’s success is laying on the high-quality of the service or product. However, while an experience has not yet gained in these areas, the experience of the first impressions is the dominant, but because of it can be more confidence-building tool as well!

A quality green environment can enhance the company’s work greatly, even if its profile is not embedded an integral part of the natural environment. Good news: the tastefully-shaped business environment is spreading.

In fact, more and more people see how the customers are in taking references into account to assess the company’s standard, which are manifesting in the environment, rather than the course of business more narrowly.

Harmonic company image

“If out there is a row of dying, poor tuyas, what am I to expect inside?” at the sight of an unassuming and disappointing corporate environment these issues obviously arose in those who are from locations where the business culture has been developing for a long time.

Inside there are the row of top attractions in the interior design in vain, when the overall view of external and internal together is dissonant.

It is not enough to construct satisfactorily the firm’s premises or office. In progressive places the business partners are susceptible to the whole view: how much does a firm sacrifice to a (sometimes) neglected area, which seems to be on ancillary things like a greener environment.

Since their partner’s efforts can be measured in terms of providing quality and equitable service.

Inspiring and practical working environment

The work is being done better at a well-designed, natural and friendly environment. Advanced firms are ready to preserve the loyal and efficient staff not only by programmatic, but long-term planned sacrifices, since this victim is plenty worth for the employer.

The ideal working environment impacts positively on people’s well-being, and it is bearing fruit in the efficiency of the work. In addition, the spaces after landscaping can be the due scene of team-building, corporate events. Stimulants can be envisaged in the traditional way of coffee, black tea, and so the green – even without tea…

Distinct and secure firm base

Several requirement is arising depending on the type of the business in addition to the human factors, the segregation from neighbouring sites, confusing environment; the natural, and therefore friendly solution of the visual closing.

It is worth striving not just in an aesthetic sense for the stressing of special character because of the specific landscape advices can help the orientation as well.

It may be desirable to allocate the space uses within the site, the obstruction of disturbing elements with plants, the appropriate development of the parking and traffic areas, the solution of shielding, also to neutralize any adverse environmental impacts (e.g. noise and dust pollution).

Systematic development by landscape service

The KertIkon Ltd. gives a complete answer for all landscaping issue arising in the course design of the green environment. Including, when a landscape plan is required, since it is prescribed by laws in certain cases. Then a landscape permission plan will be made, which must be created only by a chamber-member landscape architect.

The permission plan is a good basis for construction plans, but it can not replace the content and details of the latter. When there is no permitting requirement, as a starting point we make study plan, visual plans to shape the ideas into discussable form. The crystallized concept in this instance is the base of the construction plan.

As a leader, you can save valuable time and considerable expense by charging experienced professionals with doing the plans. It is better to make decisions and make plans in the right time, rather than hastily, before the management of overseas visits to the new headquarters of the affiliated company in Hungary. This was a precedent in fact.

Economic factors in the foreground

According to our experiences, there are special challenges during the tasks in design performing to our customers in the business trade: we are to tuning the aesthetic, technical and economic principles as well, that these can succeed collectively for the sake of a good solution.

A thorough plan already helps you to start the construction consistently and mostly annoyance-free, without loss of time and money. Our applied devices certainly have already made the construction of the investment considerably cost effective at the planning stage onwards.

Our experience are also covered the construction, so we know which solution is reasonable among other considered landscaping alternatives.

Various landscape planning across the country

Our goals have been office buildings, green areas of commercial establishments, seat or head office of companies, firm’s holiday hotel as well. For the more complete picture, you can look over which particular projects have we worked for the recent years; see our reference list available for download and our portfolio collected about works in garden design and landscape architecture.

For further questions, send a massage, or call us! You can easily ask quotation or contact us.

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